Seasonal Volunteer Opportunities

Church Council

Snow Removal:  Keeping the sidewalks clear of snow and ice is very important on Sunday mornings. If you like to shovel snow, this task is for you. Leaders – Council Trustees

Lawn Mowing:  Keeping the grass trimmed leads to a better landscape around our church. If you like to mow, then this task is for you. Leaders – Council Trustees

Christmas Tree Angels:  Each year, our church participates in the Angel Tree program. This program helps children who have parents in prison get Christmas gifts. If you like helping children and buying gifts, this opportunity is for you. Look for the Christmas Tree with Angel Tags after Thanksgiving. Leader - Nancy C.

Operation Christmas Child: Each year in November, the congregation gathers items either collectively or individually to make shoe boxes and send them oversees for children. A packing party will be announced for folks to help pack up boxes. Leader - Nancy C.