Stained Glass Window Information

There is in scripture a series of promises, beginning in Genesis, which God has made. These promises deal with God's plan to bring about the salvation of man. They are the promises that unite all of scripture, because they foretell the coming of the Savior. Then scripture reveals the fulfillment of these promises. Because of their precious value, we call these promises the Golden Thread, a thread that binds together all the words of God. We chose some scripture passages in which these promises are revealed as the theme for our stained glass windows.


The artist, Mark Gulsrud, was involved in all phases of design, glass selection and fabrication, the glass was hand blown to specification for Trinity. The most intriguing glass that is used to carry out the theme - The Golden Thread of Salvation. This dicoric glass is a space age glass used in astronaut face plates to screen out harmful rays and used for jet gauges. Because of its coating, the glass looks gold, but as the light angle changes, it becomes a rainbow of colors. In daylight hours the golden thread is first seen as worshipers approach from the church outside. Once inside, the thread becomes a mystery as it rainbows of colors must be found in each window as the light angles change. At night when the glorious colors of glass are lost in darkness, the golden thread appears, reminding us again of the promise of God's salvation.